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life love and on living


I always get poems recommended to me by various algorithms, and some of them really get to me. All of the ones about Love. I love love. I love loving.
I love being critical and annoying, but I love love love love. I can't remember the source, but something about showering and using the other persons
shampoo when your own runs out. We used to bathe together and we used to shower together and the shower stall was definetly not meant for two but we managed
and you asked to use my shampoo and I agreed and it was getting dark outside and we were laughing and washing each others hair and there were spiders
in the corner and I was so upset with you but I love you! And I miss you and I'm sorry! But you could be so selfish and inconsiderate sometimes!

Just the other day I dreamt about you and I told you how sorry I am and you said you forgave me.
That's probably the fifth time or something I dreamt about how you forgave me. I'm not even sure what I am apologizing for.
I think I just miss you and we just drifted apart and everything just changed far too quickly. We are so different but we shared
a childhood and adolesence but I guess that is it. Maybe we were meant to have grown apart and maybe thats all it'll ever be.
Me dreaming that I'm spending time with you. We were lying on a floating couch and you were petting my head and we were watching some movie
and it felt like we spent months together but then I woke up.

life love and on living


I literally yearn for your fucking touch so much I want to spend every waking and sleeping second with you and im so stupid! I care you!
I can't say anymore. I don't think I'll ever have the chance to. Nothing is ever a chore around you.
When you hold me when you offer your hand do you do it as a joke? I hope not. I would never think that but…