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Song Map
I have travelled far and wide, and here are songs to transport you there right along with me.
London, England: Animal Spirits - Vulpeck
I remember listening to this pretty much the whole ferry ride from Calais to Dover. Such an amazing song!
Rome, Italy: Carrying The Banner - Newsies
The whole trip I was listening to nothing but musicals, but driving into rome past the collosseum listening to newsies…!Lovely…
Paris, France: Martin - Car Seat Headrest
Honestly I could put the whole discography in there, but this song in particular will define my time in Paris forever.
Chandigarh, India (part 1): Why So Lonely? - Wondergirls
Thank you to my dearest friend in the world for showing me wondergirls! Again, I could put so many of their songs here…
Chandigarh, India (part 2): Binu - BiBi
Again, K-pop. This song reminds me about how nice your bathroom is. I miss you !!
And of course, I musn't forget to mention my first encounter with the elusive coogy or insects on tumblr, whos scalp, despite her stinky reputation, smelt very good.
Dubai, UAE: god's chariots - Oklou
40°C, Wireless Earbuds, And a DREAM.
The Americas:
Vancouver, Canada: The Room Where It Happens - Hamilton
Driving through Rural British Columbia blasting this (and ONLY this because my phone broke and this is all I had on my dads)… Please take me back.
Seattle, USA: Your Graduation - Modern Baseball
You're me, You're 14, and by god you try to live out your midwest emo dream by getting your first piece of band merch at hot topic.
Costa Calma, Fuerteventura, The Canary Islands: Ride - Twenty One Pilots
I was absolutely neck deep in the trenches of my Twenty one pilots phase, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.